Train Wiser - BodyBuilding and Fitness, advices and tips from professionals on training.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What to do if you were injured after injection

I collected some useful links which hope will help you. But it is better to be careful at the begining to avoid all these unpleasantness.

Swelling, redness or increased pain after 24 hours may signal a joint infection. This is a rare adverse effect but needs immediate attention. In more superficial areas, such as "trigger injections" used for localized muscle pain, the skin may thin, or in dark skinned patients, may develop a lightening or hypopigmentation. Other potential but rare adverse effects include, but are not limited to tendon rupture and damage to the bone.

Or may be you've hit a nerve....

I will give you the link to the detailed procedure on injections. Please read it:


Now, here is another very good link for those who have been injured during/after injection. Very good informative source:

Kind regards,


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Short description of Boldabol 200

Pharmaceutical Name: Boldabol

Chemical name: Boldenone Undeclynate

Chem. Abstr. Name:

Molecular Structure: C11H20O2

Molecular Weight: 472.7068

Product Description:
In the presence of adequate protein and calories, Boldabol promotes body tissue building processes and can reverse catabolism. As these agents are either derived from or are closely related to testosterone, the anabolics have varying degrees of androgenic effect. Since boldenone has a low degree of aromatization, it does not cause notable estrogen-related water retention or fat deposition. Boldenone, as well as other anabolic steroids can also stimulate erythropoisis. The mechanism for this effect may occur by stimulating erythropoeitic stimulating factor. Anabolics can cause nitrogen, sodium, potassium and phosphorus retention and decrease the urinary excretion of calcium.

Each 10 ml multidose vial contains 200 mg per ml. Beginning in May, 2005, new flip-off tops are medium-blue coloured and have Boldabol stamped on them. Older vials have a green coloured generic flip-off top.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The ultimate scientific guide to Neural Adaptations to Exercise: A Practical Approach

Monday, February 19, 2007

Everything you need to know both for men and women.


Active Life: Up to 68 hours
Average Dose: Men 80-160 mcg/day......Women 80-100 mcg/day
Acne: No
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Sometimes
Liver Toxic: Unknown
Aromatization: None
Strong Thermogenic

Clenbuterol - "A substituted phenylaminoethanol that has beta-2 adrenomimetic properties at very low doses. It is used as a bronchodilator in asthma." Medical Dictionary

Clenbuterol is classified as a beta-2 adrenergic agonist. Clenbuterol is a bronchiodilator.This drug is banned by the FDA although it is used outside the US by asthma patients.The reason although it is fairly anabolic, and it promotes the burning of fatty acids through brown fat burning. Clenbuterol is a little scary because of some other side effects including the following: tremors, sweating, sleeplessness, rapid heartbeat, etc. These side effects vary in people. Some people aren`t affected at all.

“Clenbuterol works the same way as ephedrine. However, unlike ephedrine, which is out of the body in a few hours, clenbuterol lasts for days. So you are on it 24 hours a day. No one chooses to be on ephedrine 24 hours per day, because it interferes with sleep, and so clenbuterol is more effective” says Bill Roberts (Bill Roberts holds a bachelor's degree in Microbiology and Cell Science, and a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Medicinal Chemistry)

Clenbuterol does work effectively as a fat burner though. It does this by slight increases in the body temperature. With each degree that the temperature in your body is raised from the use of clenbuterol, you will burn up approximately an extra 5% of maintenance calories. This makes it effective as a fat burner. Your body will fight this by cutting down on the amount of active thyroid in the body as well as through beta receptor down regulation which explains why you only have a limited effective period to take clenbuterol.

The possible side effects of clenbuterol include those of other CNS(central nervous system) stimulants, and include such occurrences as shaky hands, insomnia, sweating, increased blood pressure and nausea. These side effects will generally subside after a week or so of use however, once the user becomes accustomed to the drug.
Another thing people should be aware of is the inherent liver toxicity associated with clenbuterol use. When stacking with oral 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, accutane, anti-biotics or other hepatoxic elements, one should have his liver values checked by a licensed physician at regular points in time to avoid all problems. If you not a yellow discoloration of the skin cease use immediately and contact your doctor.

Caution is advised when employing the use of Clenbuterol in conjunction with other adrenoceptor agonists as side effects are likely to be cumulative. It is for this reason that it is generally not recommended to use ephedrine/ephedra (or ma huang) or the ECA stack (ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin) whilst using clenbuterol.
In view of the above side effects, it is obvious to assume that anyone with cardiac issues and/or hypertension should not use a stimulant such as Clenbuterol and caution must be observed by those already using similar compounds in the treatment of existing medical conditions. In addition, there is very little conclusive knowledge of the cardiac effects of supra-physiological dosages in humans.

It is well known that Clenbuterol use results in rapid down-regulation of beta 2 receptors. This is due to the powerful stimulatory effect of the drug. It is therefore pointless to use clen for long periods without a break. Some believe that a two day on, two day off dosing schedule will allow adequate potential for receptor up-regulation.
However, I doubt this to be the case due to the relatively long half life of clen, resulting in continued stimulation even throughout the 'off' days. A much better regime would be a two week on, two week off cycle. Maximum plasma levels are reached around 2-3 hours after oral administration, and terminal half life at 34 hours (Zimmer, 1976).

It is recommended to start by taking one 20mcg tablet on the first day and then increase the dosage on the subsequent days by one tablet until the needed dosage is reached. For fat loss, clenbuterol seems to stay effective for 3-6 weeks, then it's thermogenic properties seem to subside.

There are many theories on what is the best schedule: a two week on, two week off, or one week on, one week off. Steroids-Shop.Net suggests you to find out what works best for you through experiencing.

Before starting new cycle you must wait at least for two months.

DIET AND CARDIO are MOST IMPORTANT in this process! If one sits all the day in front of TV eating all he wants, effectiveness of Clenbuterol will be GREATLY reduced!
So, training, diet, cardio and supplements should be “taken” together. Do not try to use short cuts because they do not work!

Zimmer (1976). Single and multiple applications and metabolite pattern of clenbuterol in man (author's transl). Arzneimittelforschung 26(7a):1446-50.
Also were used different articles from trusted internet and medical sources.

Clenbuterol cycle for fat loss

In combination with diet, cardio routine and good training program this cycle will give you better results in fat loss. Remember only that following these main rules will guarantee you success in fat loss.
Total cycle (with weeks “on” and “off”) should not be longer than 12 weeks.
Women may follow the same schedule with the exception of dosages, which should be reduced to 100mcg as the highest dose.

* Optional, or you can continue with 140 if you have good results.

After this 2 week cycle take a rest of 2 weeks and then finish the cycle with the same scheme. The second part of the cycle (after 2 weeks off) could be started from 40mcg increasing it to the needed one.

Example of Clenbuterol cycle for women

I hope this article answered to many questions you had about clenbuterol.

If there are any other questions about this product, please visit our forum: and ask.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Trenbolone Information
Article by mad_cereal_lover – MuscleTalk Moderator

Pharmaceutical Name: Trenbolone Acetate / Trenbolone Enanthate / Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate / Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate Common Brand/Trade/Slang Names: Tren, Fina, Para, TrenboloneChemical Structure: 17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-oneDelivery Method: InjectableHalf Life: Ester dependant:
Trenbolone Acetate ~1 day
Trenbolone Enanthate, Hexahydrobenzlycarbonate, Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate - 5-6 daysTypical Vial doses: Normal range 67mg/ml to 250mg/ml


Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid that has never been FDA approved for use in humans. It was originally developed as finaplex pellets for use as a vetinary product to be put under the skin of cattle. However over time bodybuilders have realised its unique properties and powerful benefits and it has become a favourite anabolic steroid for many, despite having more harsh side effects than most other steroids. Many people would convert the pellets into an injectable form, in a rather crude and dangerous manner that would neither be safe nor sterile, and poses many risks. However, despite being non-approved by the FDA, there are a number of respectable

Underground Labs (UGLs) that produce quality injectable forms of trenbolone. For the user who understandably likes to stick to pharmaceutical grade steroids, unfortunately there is no such form of trenbolone available.

Trenbolone is a highly androgenic steroid, with binding to the Androgen Receptor (AR) in the region of three times as high as testosterone. It does not aromatise and so is not subject to estrogenic side effects. In addition to high androgenicity, it is also extremely anabolic too, thus is very good at building muscle mass, and retaining muscle mass in a calorie deficient mode. It is also thought that trenbolone inhibits cortisol production directly through the glucocorticoid receptors. Trenbolone is often found to be a body transforming drug, and also can aid a little in fat loss. This may be due to the very strong binding of trenbolone to the AR, which has been postulated to be one mechanism that results in the activation of fat loss pathways, possible through direct binding to fat cells' ARs. This makes trenbolone a favourite among bodybuilders for cutting, and in addition to these benefits, trenbolone usually results in large increases in strength due to its high androgenic effects.

Trenbolone although not converted to estrogen, does have progesteronic effects, which will be discussed further in the side effects section of this article.

Suggested Cycles / Uses

Typically today underground labs produce trenbolone acetate as 75g/ml or 100mg/ml. It is often recommended first-time users of trenbolone to use the faster acting acetate in case the side effects become too much for the user, they can then come off of the steroid very quickly and it is out of the system much quicker than, for example, the enanthate ester. For the novice user, 75mg or 100mg every other day (eod) is advised, however due to the acetate ester being even shorter than a propionate ester and the half life 1 day or less, to both reduce sides and aid gains, it is advisable that the user (if they can bear every day injections) injects trenbolone acetate every day (ed), at 37.5-50mg ed.

More advanced users may find that taking the trenbolone to amounts over 500mg per week has very desirable effects on strength and body composition, however note that the side effects will also increase with the increase in dose. Due to the negative effect that trenbolone has on libido, it is not generally recommended to take trenbolone without testosterone. However, one can take trenbolone for short periods without testosterone and introduce an aid such as Proviron (metsterolone) to help with the libido issues, along with proper extensive post cycle therapy (PCT) for recovery. A typical test-free cycle with trenbolone may include something like 600mg Primobolan per week, 400mg trenbolone enanthate per week, for 10 weeks, PCT starting 2 weeks after last injections. The enanthate ester and other similar esters of trenbolone can be injected twice per week. Below are some example cycles using trenbolone:


Testosterone propionate 100-150mg eod, 6-8weeks
Trenbolone acetate 75-100mg eod, 6-8 weeks,
PCT 4 days after last prop injection.


Testosterone enanthate 750mg per week, weeks 1-12
Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-12
Winstrol 50mg ed weeks, 8-14

Primobolan 600mg per week, weeks 1-10
Testosterone propionate 200mg eod weeks 1-12
Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-10


Primobolan 600mg per week, weeks 1-10
Trenbolone enanthate 400mg per week, weeks 1-10
Testosterone enanthate 1000mg per week, weeks 1-12
Trenbolone enanthate 500-700mg per week, weeks 1-12
Anavar 80-100mg ed, weeks 1-14

Very advanced/pre-contest:

Testosterone propionate 100-200mg ed
Trenbolone acetate 75-100mg ed
Masteron 400-600mg per week
Winstrol 50mg ed
Primobolan 600mg per week
Halotestin 10-20mg ed

Common Side effects

Out of all the injectable steroids available, trenbolone is the one that should be used with extreme caution and only after plenty of research into its side effects and common cycles have been carried out. Trenbolone side effects can be very bad to many users, so much so that they will not use it despite its very positive effects on the body and strength. Firstly, as trenbolone is so androgenic, all side effects that are seen with strong androgens can be expected (if prone) with trenbolone. If one is prone to male pattern baldness (MPB) than trenbolone will likely speed this up. Some users find acne on trenbolone worse than when on any other steroid.

Certainly Trenbolone is not recommended for female users due to its strong androgenic properties and the common side effects that manifest themselves in females who use strong androgens.

Despite the fact that trenbolone cannot aromatise, due to the progesterone route it can cause things like gynecomastia, but this will only really happen in the presence of estrogen. This does happen though in many users, as trenbolone is usually stacked with a testosterone, which obviously can and will convert to estrogen. Gynecomastia from trenbolone can be quite bad many will find, however if you do not suffer from this than other estrogenic side effects should not be of worry, as trenbolone does not cause any water retention or similar, but in fact often gives a hardened look and feel to the muscles.

Trenbolone also seems to give many users poor sleep patterns and insomnia. In addition, it can cause severe sweating in many, both during the night time and also just from doing the smallest of activities such as walking up stairs, etc. It also can impair to a certain degree, cardiovascular function, which means that it is not ideal for use in those who regular partake in such sports or activity that require a decent level of cardiovascular fitness.

Trenbolone also increases blood pressure in many users, some to such a degree that they have to cease using it. Thus it is recommended that one who wishes to use trenbolone, invests in a blood pressure monitor so they can regularly measure their blood pressure and keep an eye on it throughout the cycle.

Many people claim that trenbolone has a negative effect on the kidneys. There are many of these claims certainly across the Internet since its use has become more widespread. However, there is no real evidence for these claims, and certainly I have seen many long-term users of trenbolone have kidney function tests that are well within the normal range. Perhaps the reason for this theory is the fact that when using trenbolone, many find that their urine can become a much darker more orange-brown colour. However, this is due to the fact that trenbolone undergoes very little modification or breakdown and is excreted as a rust-coloured oxidised form in the urine. In addition to this, any damage to kidney may not even be directly due to the trenbolone, but more to do with the increased sweating and water loss from excessive body heat whilst on trenbolone, without the sufficient addition of water intake. Thus it is recommended if running trenbolone to keep the water intake high.

As trenbolone is such a strong steroid, it is very harsh on the HTPA axis and will shut down the body's natural testosterone production very easily and, for many, very harshly. It is comparable to 'deca dick' that people can experience with deca, and longer cycles may need to include the use of HCG to restore one's own natural production of testosterone. Recovery from cycles containing trenbolone is not easy, and requires a very well thought out and stringent PCT routine and diet.

It has also been suggested through research that trenbolone actually (although aiding slightly in fat loss) reduces endogenous T3 levels. Thus some advocate the use of 25mcg T3 throughout a trenbolone cycle. This writer does not personally think that this is necessary; however it is something that users may wish to consider when using trenbolone, especially if their natural T3 production is on the lower side of the normal range. It is a very good idea to get blood work done both before and after any cycle including trenbolone.

Tren cough

The so called 'tren cough' or 'Fina cough' is well known amongst many tren users. Some users seem to get the cough following every injection; others never or extremely rarely will get the cough. Usually it is manifested upon injection, with a tightness in the chest, and a metallic taste in the back of the mouth, followed by an uncontrollable violent cough which can be quite frightening, as anyone who has experienced it will tell you, whether it's for the first time or not.

There have been some very elaborate theories about the reasons for getting the cough from trenbolone, some of which have had mechanisms involving molecules that only trenbolone affects resulting in bronchioconstriction, etc. However, the fact remains that many users have also experienced the same cough from steroids such as equipoise and testosterone cypionate. In addition, these mechanisms that are proposed are highly unlikely to occur immediately upon injection, as that is too fast a timescale for the proposed mechanism. Thus it must be the result of something entering the blood stream and traveling to the lungs for the cough to be manifested that quickly.

This leads us onto the next theory suggested by many which is that trenbolone is produced by many UGLs, and as such is made with higher percentages of Benzyl Alcohol (BA) than pharma grade products are, and it is the alcohol that is causing the reaction. The only problem with this theory is that trenbolone is made by most UGLs with the same BA percentages as things such as testosterone propionate, and nandrolone decanoate. If it was purely the BA concentration, than we would expect to see the cough with these other products as well, which we do not. Thus, as we have eliminated the oil, solvents and carriers, it leaves us with the Trenbolone product itself as the potential culprit.

One thing that you notice about trenbolone is that it is often a golden-brown / rust colour when in oil solution. If the hormone powder is refined to greater than 99.5% purity or so, then the colour of trenbolone in solution actually gives a very light golden colour, much like other testosterone products; however, refining the hormone to this level of purity is extremely difficult. This is why there is colour variation from batch to batch with different underground labs; something as small as 0.1% purity can affect the colour of the final product.

As mentioned above when discussing kidney effects of trenbolone, the oxidised trenbolone is a rust colour – much like the colour seen of trenbolone in oil solution. What you also notice with steroids such as Equipoise and to a lesser degree, testosterone cypionate, is that these steroids too are hard to very highly refine and often a browny-rust colour, more so than products such as testosterone propionate, etc. It is very likely then that these oxidised particles get into the blood stream upon injection and this causes some sort of anaphylactic (allergic) reaction in the lungs as the particles react with the alveoli, perhaps. This seems to be confirmed by the fact that the darker the trenbolone is the more likely one is to get a cough (personal and general experience). The best way to try and avoid this is to firstly inject very slowly and not move the needle around after aspirating, and also mixing the trenbolone with another product such as test prop.

Warning! Articles related to the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs are for information purposes only and are the sole expressions of the individual authors opinion. We do not promote the use of these substances and the information contained within this publication is not intended to persuade or encourage the use or possession of illegal substances. These substances should be used only under the advice and supervision of a qualified, licensed physician.

Source: MuscleTalk

Thursday, February 15, 2007

5 ways to energize your winter workouts: take your routine outside and you'll give it

Some of the most common excuses I'm sure to hear over the next few months are "It's too cold to work out!" or "The weather is so gloomy, I can't bear to exercise outside." Yes, it's hard to get motivated when the wind is howling or the rain or snow is pelting down--it can thwart even the most committed exercisers--but don't ban all thoughts of heading outdoors for a sweat session. These tips will help you discover the joys of fresh-air winter workouts.

* Dress appropriately That means layers, layers, layers--they're the key to staying comfortable in colder weather. In the winter I rely on Terramar Therma-silk long underwear. It's not bulky or binding, and it breathes. I also like Under Armour, which has leggings and pants designed for specific temperature ranges. Keep in mind that the more aerobic the workout--cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, running--the hotter you'll get, so the lighter your layers should be. You might be a little chilly at first, but you'll heat up fast. If you're toasty when you first start out, you'll be much too hot after about 10 minutes.

* Extend your warm-up It may take an extra five minutes or more to raise your body temperature when it's chilly out, so take your time getting started. Going too fast or hard too soon can strain cold muscles and lead to injuries. Always listen to your body

* Hydrate even if it's snowing or raining. Prevent dehydration by following the same drink-up guidelines that you stick to the rest of the year: Sip 8 to 16 ounces for an hour-long workout.* Fill up in the a.m. I usually want more food in the morning during the winter. Toast or a hard-boiled egg just doesn't do it. Steel-cut oatmeal or almond butter and a banana are excellent power-packed options. Having a full belly makes me feel warmer, and choosing high-fiber carbs or combining carbs with protein gives me plenty of fuel.

* Go play in the snow Sledding with your kids burns 485 calories an hour. Making a snowman, 277. And just trudging through a park (in waterproof boots or snowshoes) blasts 526 calories. Besides the excellent workout you'll get, the sun and the crisp air can't help but elevate your mood and energy levels. See, who needs a gym?

Power up for an afternoon run with low-fat Spaghetti Squash and Turkey Meatballs (find it at It's the perfect stick-to-your-ribs-but-not-your-hips lunch on a cold day.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Health tips for the Aged

In old age, the metabolism of your body is disturbed, immunity decrease and disease seem to attack simultaneously. A person is considered old at 60 or above when his/her activity becomes slow and the way of life becomes sedentary. In this article there is a discussion about the general problems of this age and some useful hints to overcome such problems. If you are over 50, you might need certain supplements.Vitamin B12-2.4 mcg (micrograms) of B12 each day. Calcium-1200 mg (milligrams), but not more than 2500 mg a day. Vitamin D-400 IU (international units) for people age 51 to 70 and 600 IU for those over 70, but not more than 2000 IU each day. Iron-extra iron for women past menopause who are using hormone replacement therapy (men and other
postmenopausal women need 8 mg of iron). Vitamin B6-1.5 mg for women. This vitamin is needed for forming red blood cells and to keep you healthy. Since the energy requirements are low in old age reduction in calories is recommended. The quantity of food taken at a time should be decreased because the capacity to digest and tolerate meals decrease. This is because the senses of smell and taste are less active and there is less secretion of gastric juices. Though the total food intake is lowered the requirements of most nutrients remain unaltered. Therefore it becomes important to provide adequate amounts of all the nutrients within the decreased energy levels. Hence carbohydrates, fats, protein and vitamins are accordingly increased or decreased to provide the required energy and food. Fat intake should be decreased and taken according to energy requirements for specific body weight.

Protein should neither be decreased nor increased. They should be taken as before. i.e, one gram per kilo body weight. Iron is also recommend in similar doses as before i.e, micrograms per kilo body weight or about 28-30 mg of iron per day. Women after menopause do not lose blood so only the normal loss needs to be compensated. Extra calcium is very necessary especially for post - menopausal women. Due to hormonal changes there is continuous loss of bone calcium and bone de-mineralization is much faster than the bone mineralisation process.

Hence bones are more prone to fractures. Hipbone fracture is very common in elderly females who may slip while bathing. Most vitamin requirements are not affected by ageing, except incase of Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin. As per the decrease in energy requirements there is a decrease in the required amounts of intake. Vitamin D is normally not required in extra doses but for bedridden elders it is very essential to get sunshine especially after a little massage which helps in absorption of vitamin D. Rich fried foods, cereals, starches, sweets chocolates creams and butter should be avoided. Instead fruit vegetables, milk and milk products (not concentrated) should be preferred. Constipation is a common problems among the elderly due to reduced muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract. Soft low-fibre diet and insufficient fluid intake also influence this. Dietary fibre is beneficial in various conditions associated with ageing such as constipation, diabetes and heart disease. Inability to chew due to ill-fitted dentures or absence of teeth is one of the major problems. The diet should be soft and spongy so that it does not hurt the gums. Fluid diet like milk products, custard, kheer, boiled eggs, vegetables (well cooked and steamed), grated salad, soft fruit like banana, chikoo and oranges should be preferred. As the appetite usually declines the food should be colorful, attractive and tasty and served in a pleasant way to arouse the appetite. Even though, salad and vegetables have to be grated they should be included for their fibre.
Raised blood pressure is a very common problems due to diminished renal function. This leads to a restricted fat and salts intake. Diabetes occurs to the impaired ability of the elderly, to utilize carbohydrates because of the decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin. Low carbohydrates, especially glucose, is recommend. Women suffer from post - menopausal symptoms after cessation of menstruation due to hormonal changes. Some of the symptoms are loss of skin elasticity, smaller breast size, weight changes, insomnia, hot flushes, high blood pressure, vaginal dryness, alternations in sexual desire, painful intercourse resulting in stress, anger etc.

Another major risk is osteoporosis which is due to oestrogen deficiency that occurs with menopause. Women who take oestrogen hormone after menopause maintain bone density. But once a woman is on hormones, withdrawal is more harmful because bone density is then lost rapidly and chances of hip and wrist fracture increase. Combinations of oestrogen and progesterone help protect the bone and reduce risk of fracture. Women having breast cancer, vaginal bleeding with unknown cause, uterine cancer, liver disease and gall - stones should not take hormones.

A physical examination including a normal pelvic examination pap's smear and mammography, is necessary before putting a patient on hormone therapy. Effects of hormone replacement such as, nausea, headaches, bloating and breast enlargement may cause enough irritation for a woman to stop her hormone. Altering the dose to type of hormones can decrease these symptoms. Women mostly prefer not to take hormones. In such cases symptomatic treatments has to be done. For examples in case of hot flushes and high blood pressure medications of high blood pressure helps. Risk of fracture due to reduction in bone density can be offset by high calcium diet supplements with vitamin D. Smoking causes extra wrinkles. Once this is stopped loss of skin elasticity is reduced. Regular weight bearing exercise restrict weight changes. New studies, have revealed that if a woman, 70 years of age follows a daily exercise programme for one year she can get back the strength and flexibility of a woman 40 years of age. Exercise only for two minutes initially and gradually increase the duration. In between relax for a few minutes. You can perform Shavasan after exercising. Warm- up is a must before starting the exercise. You may do this by walking for 5-6 minutes.

Picture (C)

Say No To Carbs During Workouts
By Tim Ziegenfuss, PhD

Lab Insider - Lab Notes

Thanks largely to commercials with neon sweat dripping on athletes, most of us know that drinks containing glucose and glucose polymers are useful to enhance performance during intense and/or prolonged exercise. But what if straight up fat loss is the goal? Based on new research from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, avoiding carbs during exercise is paramount. In a recent study in seven men, researchers found that when carbohydrates were ingested during a two-hour bout of exercise, key genes involved in fat transport and oxidation (CD36, CPT-1, UCP3 and AMPK-alpha2, to be exact) were significantly decreased.

Recommendation: Based on my read of the literature, maximizing fat loss from training requires multiple, daily bouts of cardiovascular exercise in the fasted condition. Save the trendy carb drinks for at least 30 minutes into the recovery period.

Insider Supplement

Beta-Alanine May Jack Up Exercise Intensity
Beta-alanine (BA) is beginning to look like a worthy heir to creatine, and if recent studies are any proof, it could end up as popular as that superstar supplement. BA is a naturally occurring dipeptide that helps form carnosine within muscle cells. Carnosine, in turn, is a potent intracellular buffer that helps resist changes in pH during intense exercise. What does this mean for you? Elevating muscle carnosine stores may allow exercisers to train harder and longer with less fatigue.

Scientists from the University of Westminster in London recently published a review of carnosine and its role in muscle. Many exercise physiologists (as well as supplement companies) have high hopes for BA, and several ongoing clinical trials should help us understand its enormous potential.Recommendation: In my opinion, increasing muscle stores of carnosine by supplementing with beta-alanine is a safe, effective way to improve performance. Shoot for a daily dose of at least 3 g, but don’t expect quick gains. Increases in performance will appear gradually over a period of weeks.

Recommendation: In my opinion, increasing muscle stores of carnosine by supplementing with beta-alanine is a safe, effective way to improve performance. Shoot for a daily dose of at least 3 g, but don’t expect quick gains. Increases in performance will appear gradually over a period of weeks.


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